Clinics We Offer
Nurse Clinics
Our nurses are available by appointment, Monday to Friday, for dressings, vaccinations, blood-tests, ear syringing and other nursing advice.
Ante-natal & Post-natal Clinics
Mothers-to-be may see their doctor and either Surgery.
The community midwife holds her own clinic each Wednesday at Newick Surgery. In addition, the midwife may be contacted on 01273 474153 from 09:00 - 10:00 daily.
Post-natal appointments will automatically be issued by the surgery after the birth of your baby.
Cervical Smear Clinic
Please make appointments with the practice nurse. Smears are recommended at three yearly intervals up to the age of 50, then 5 yearly up to the age of 65.
Asthma Clinic
You will be invited to see a doctor or the practice nurse.
Diabetic Clinic
You will be invited to see Dr Sheppard, Dr Crowley, or a practice nurse.
Child Vaccinations and Immunisations
Appointments are with the practice nurse.
Well Woman / Man Clinic
Please make appointments with the practice nurse.
Patient Reviews
Patients that have not been seen by the doctors or nurses in the past three years could contact the surgery on 01825 722272 for a review appointment with the practice nurse.
Flu Vaccinations
Please see our "Vaccination Updates" section on the homepage for updates.
FREE Blood Pressure Check - Self-service machine at Newick Health Centre
Heathfield, Newick and the Firs Surgeries have easy to use blood pressure machines. No need to book. The Health Monitoring machine at Newick also measures your height, weight and BMI. It is self-service, so no need to book an appointment. Just pop in and ask at reception for a token.
NHS Health Checks
The NHS Health Check programme is for adults in England aged between 40 and 74. If you're invited for an NHS Health Check you'll be offered a series of routine tests that will help identify your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and Type 2 diabetes.
You will then be given advice on what action you can take to lower your risk and improve your chances of a healthier life. For example, making changes to your diet or becoming more active. If you are interested in attending for a check please speak to the reception team to book an appointment.